Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur, & Sukkot || Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, Tabernacles

For every Feast of Yahweh listed in Leviticus 23, as well as the minor celebrations of Purim & Hanukkah, there is free E-book to download designed to teach you the basics of this special season!  

The festivals were to be the highlight of our year! There are many traditions that surround each one because they each have thousands of years of history! But if we get so caught up in trying to “keep the traditions”, we can miss the entire point of the feast itself!  First and foremost, this is a Divine Appointment with Yahweh! It’s all about Him! Secondly, these festivals were to be a joyous time and they were family oriented! This “guide” is to help explain the basics of the festival and also give you and your family ideas to help make it your own.

It’s our family history, it’s our future, & it’s our story!
Want to win a Fall Feasts Gift Basket worth over $100??? We are giving away a huge Sukkot haul filled with some of our favorite Fall Feasts items.

Chag Sameach Sweatshirt
Making S'more Memories Tote Bag
S'more Supplies (Kosher Marshmallows, Chocolate, Graham Crackers, & Skewers Set)
Hot Chocolate & Mini Kosher Marshmallows
Maple Leaf Cookies
Cozy Fleece Throw Blanket

2 Ways to enter:
For every $10 donation via the special link, you enter a chance to win
Or for those on Facebook, follow the instructions below for another chance to enter to win by following, sharing, and commenting on the post.

Drawing will take place and winner will be announced directly before Yom Teruah on September 15th!
For those interested, you can also order the Chag Sameach Sweatshirt outside of the giveaway!

Chocolate Brown with White and Gold Vinyl - Gildan Sweatshirt

Available in sizes Small - 3XL!

$35 each + $5 shipping - or pick up at Sukkot for those coming and avoid shipping fees! What a fun idea to all sport your Feast gear as we celebrate together! Message with size choice, or if wanting to avoid shipping fees message us personally to order!
The Fall Festival Season begins the 7th month during the Hebrew Calendar.  They are composed of Yom Teruah (the Feast of Trumpets), Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement), and Sukkot (the Festival of Tabernacles).  The entire 6th month as well leading up to these feasts, named the Month of Elul, is seen as a season of preparation, contemplation, and reflection.  During the 6th month it is said the King is in the field...accessible to His people.  During the 7th month He is on His Throne, Crowned and Ruling!  What a powerful image that as we prepare to enter these Feasts, we have access to come before our King, to find Him in the field and approach Him.  And once He returns to His Throne, we can know with confidence that the King knows exactly where we are and the areas in which we are seeking for Him to move in our lives!

According to the Creation Covenant Calendar, the Fall Festival dates are:

September 16th - Yom Teruah (7th Month Rosh Chodesh)

September 25th - Yom Kippur

September 30 - October 6th - Sukkot
Revelation 21:3
"And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God."