Kesef + Kefa || Silver & Stone

Ionic Nanosilver || Nature's antibiotic 

We are excited to share a new ministry project and venture! For years our family has trusted "colloidal silver" as a means to help keep our living tabernacles healthy! And from this desire to care for the Body of Messiah both spiritually and physically, we are excited to share this new line: Kesef + Kefa (Silver & Stone) Ionic Nanosilver.

Psalms 66:10 - "For thou, O Elohim, hast proved us: thou hast tried us, as silver is tried."

What is Ionic Nanosilver, or a term most are probably more familiar with colloidal silver?  Colloidal silver has been "loosely defined" as a suspension of very small silver "species" evenly dispersed in a water-based solution. The unit of measure used when referring to silver ions and silver particles is the "nanometer" and this is where we derive the popular term "nanosilver."  

According to Wikipedia: Silver ions and silver compounds show a toxic effect on bacteria, viruses, algae and fungi, typical for heavy metals like lead or mercury, but without the high toxicity to humans normally associated with these other metals. Hippocrates, the "father of medicine" wrote that silver had beneficial healing and anti-disease properties, and the Phoenicians stored water, wine, and vinegar in silver bottles to prevent spoiling.  In the early 20th century, people would put silver coins in milk bottles to prolong the milk's freshness. Its germicidal effects increased its value in utensils and as jewelry.  Silver is widely used in topical gels and impregnated into bandages and was used commonly to prevent infections in World War I.  Silver sulfadiazine cream became the "standard of care" for the antibacterial and antibiotic treatment of serious burns until the late 1990s.

All of our silver is produced using the SilverLungs Colloidal Silver Generator.
The use of our products is not intended to replace the recommendations of your healthcare provider. Our products are based on the historically recorded properties and testimonials surrounding the use of colloidal silver, and its anti-bacterial qualities that can be dated back thousands of years ago. Silver has been used in medicine, food storage and water purification. We make no claims to be approved by or tested by the USDA or the FDA. We take care to make sure the suggested dosages and usage falls well within the EPA's established daily recommended intake of silver. Always seek the advice of your doctor, natural health professional, or other qualified health provider regarding a medical condition before introducing a new supplement.