Spring Festivals 2020
What exciting times we find ourselves currently in, as we are in the midst of the Spring Festival season! The calendar of the Creator is laid out in detail in Leviticus 23. Not only are these festivals divine appointments with our King, they also serve as blueprints revealing the plan of Yahweh covering our past, present, and future, and they reveal the mind and heart of our Elohim! Each Feast reveals a facet of His character so that by our honoring and keeping of these festivals we discover who He is and we enter an intimate walk with our King that cannot be found any other way! It teaches us of redemption, deliverance, healing, restoration, growth, and renewal! Our focus now is where we find ourselves in this cycle! Having celebrated Pesach, and currently in the Week of Unleavened Bread, we now enter a unique season that becomes an unbreakable link to Shavuot, connecting the entire spring cycle together – the time of the counting of the omer!