Restoration of the Calendar Pt. 14

Dec 14, 2024    David Mathews

In our last segment (Pt. 13) as we looked closer at Creations’ Inception, we saw a pattern in the Light – of Day 1 – where we found we have a unique – Day Only – NO DAWN – start at the heavens and the earth’s beginning in Gen. 1:1 which saw its’ ending in darkness; whereby, each subsequent day is found commencing WITH the Dawn’s plowing of that previous darkness! Why this specific arrangement you ask? The pattern is consistent. Each subsequent seeding by Adam, in the earth results in a ‘birthing or dawning’ out of the womb of darkness.  For some confusion, this is still an area of confusion. Therefore, once again we will address this subject of how the original Day began, at length, in an effort to alleviate any concern. For comparisons sake, we will look at both the ‘Old and New’ Testaments to see if they confirm our position.