Spring Feasts || Passover, Unleavened Bread, Early First Fruits
For every Feast of Yahweh listed in Leviticus 23, as well as the minor celebrations of Purim & Hanukkah, there is free E-book to download designed to teach you the basics of this special season!
The festivals were to be the highlight of our year! There are many traditions that surround each one because they each have thousands of years of history! But if we get so caught up in trying to “keep the traditions”, we can miss the entire point of the feast itself! First and foremost, this is a Divine Appointment with Yahweh! It’s all about Him! Secondly, these festivals were to be a joyous time and they were family oriented! This “guide” is to help explain the basics of the festival and also give you and your family ideas to help make it your own.
It’s our family history, it’s our future, & it’s our story!
The Passover E-Book & Resources are a project solely of Manna from Heaven Ministries
The festivals were to be the highlight of our year! There are many traditions that surround each one because they each have thousands of years of history! But if we get so caught up in trying to “keep the traditions”, we can miss the entire point of the feast itself! First and foremost, this is a Divine Appointment with Yahweh! It’s all about Him! Secondly, these festivals were to be a joyous time and they were family oriented! This “guide” is to help explain the basics of the festival and also give you and your family ideas to help make it your own.
It’s our family history, it’s our future, & it’s our story!
The Passover E-Book & Resources are a project solely of Manna from Heaven Ministries

Passover is the first of the festivals of Yahweh, intricately connected to our redemption and salvation! Passover points to Israel being delivered out of Egypt by the blood of the lamb as the death angel passes over. A powerful promise and shadow picture pointing towards the LAMB of
Yah who would deliver His people not only out of physical bondage, but break the hold of death and the grave as well! Yet Passover is not just a time that we look back to what He has done for us, but Passover yet once again points to a future exodus and return - as the scattered house of Israel is delivered and brought back, the pattern revealed in Passover! A unique command is associated with this season - to teach our children! We are never to forget what Yahweh has done on behalf of His people and we are to instruct our children, generation after generation, so that they too can walk in freedom!
Yah who would deliver His people not only out of physical bondage, but break the hold of death and the grave as well! Yet Passover is not just a time that we look back to what He has done for us, but Passover yet once again points to a future exodus and return - as the scattered house of Israel is delivered and brought back, the pattern revealed in Passover! A unique command is associated with this season - to teach our children! We are never to forget what Yahweh has done on behalf of His people and we are to instruct our children, generation after generation, so that they too can walk in freedom!
Special Passover Presentation with Covenant Calendar
Apr 2, 2024 • Tim Astle
Passover 2023
Apr 9, 2023
Passover - The Frequency of Deliverance, Healing, & Freedom || Study
Mar 23, 2023 • John-James Flores
Spring Festivals 2020
Apr 11, 2020 • Brittney Scott
Manna Bites! || Tell the Story
Apr 23, 2018
Manna Bites! || A Night to Guard
Apr 15, 2019
Manna Bites! || Preparing for Passover
Apr 8, 2019
Manna Bites! || Passover 2020
Apr 6, 2020
Manna Bites! || Passover - the Bride Revealed
Apr 11, 2022
Apr 16, 2022 • John-James Flores
Passover 2022
Apr 9, 2022 • David Mathews